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Our lawyers in Mozambique have experience in the renewable energy market, advising sponsors, developers, financiers and regulatory bodies on transactions across the spectrum of renewable energy technologies, including: hydro, solar, onshore and offshore wind, energy-from-waste, biomass and biofuels.

We have hands-on, practical experience of delivering each stage of a project, including planning, permitting, joint ventures and other corporate matters. This also includes: structuring equity investments, developing project documents (such as power-purchase agreements (PPAs), turbine-supply agreements, engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) and operations and maintenance agreements (O&M), project finance and mergers and acquisitions (M&A).

Experience has included advising:

  • As sponsor's counsel in the first 120 MW wind farm project in Mozambique.
  • An independent Canadian company in negotiating, acquiring and implementing the financing for a 30 MW solar power plant in Beluluane Industrial Park in Maputo province.