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Our tax lawyers in Mozambique provide the full range of tax services that address the complex challenges of international commerce and business operations as well as managing and resolving tax disputes. They have sound knowledge of the legal and institutional framework and help national and international profit and not-for-profit clients navigate the complexities of tax legislation and compliance.

We advise clients in general tax questions on corporate taxes, VAT, customs duties, excise tax, real property transfer tax, stamp duty, transactional tax, tax opinions, dispute resolution, and double taxation agreements.

Companies operating in the global economy experience complex tax issues, both in their home country and in the jurisdictions in which they do business. This requires a coordinated global delivery of services incorporating knowledge of national legislation, including tax treaties, as well as the appropriate international perspective. Our firm taps into the resources available through DLA Piper to provide bespoke advice to its clients.

We provide these international tax services while at the same time offering clients the benefit of local experience and of the attorney-client and work product privileges.

Experience has included advising:

  • A client in negotiations with the Mozambican government regarding tax aspects for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) project to be carried out in the north region of the country.
  • An oil and gas company in discussions with tax authorities regarding capital gains tax in connection with a farm-in as part of an EPCC.
  • A large multinational company which provides services to oil and gas companies around the world on capital gains tax arising from the sale of shares. The transaction had implications on various jurisdictions including Mozambique.
  • A dredging company in a tax litigation case in respect of a dredging contract to develop the Maputo port and the applicability of local law versus the double taxation agreement entered into between Mozambique and the United Arab Emirates.
  • A large mining company, in a tax dispute related to capital gains arising from the issuance of new shares. In this case, the tax authority initial interpretation was that it was not an issuance of shares but rather an indirect sale of shares.
  • A leading African cement supplier, in a tax dispute (litigation and prelitigation) related to accounts procedures adopted in relation to cement imports.

Approval of the VAT Regularization Note

We hereby inform the business community and other interested parties that on the 26 December 2018 the Ministerial Diploma No. 100/2018 of 26 December, which approves the VAT Regularization Note referred to in article 19 of the Value Added Tax Refund Regulations, came into force.

Newsletter 2018

In this number you can read: "Changes in Mozambican Capital Gains Tax Regime to the Extractive Industry", "The new VAT Regulation Regime Applicable to Companies in the Petroleum and Mining Sectors" and "Tax Implications Due to Vicissitudes of Companies in Mozambique: The Merger".