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Company registration

How to set up a company in Zimbabwe

By Jabulani Nhongo

The registration of private companies in Zimbabwe is governed by the Companies Act [Chapter 24:03], and the purpose of this article is to outline the requirements for registering a private company in Zimbabwe; a service which Manokore Attorneys, a corporate law firm in Zimbabwe, is able to provide. The requirements for registering a private company in Zimbabwe are as follows:

Step 1 – Name Reservation (3-5 days)

Application to the Registrar of Companies offices for a name approval and reservation. We are required to give them 5 (five) name choices in order of preference. When a name is approved, you are given maximum 30 days to lodge registration documents. If you don’t register the Company within the 30-day period, a penalty is charged.

Step 2 – Registration (3-5 days)

Submit the Company’s Memorandum & Articles of Association, C.R.14 (Register of Directors and Company Secretary) and C.R.6 (Confirmation of address of the Company) for registration of the Company. Once these documents have been submitted, and the Registrar’s office is satisfied with the contents thereof, then the Company will be issued with a Certificate of Incorporation, which specifies the Company’s date of incorporation and unique Company number.


  • Full names of directors;
  • National Identification numbers or passport numbers of each of the Company’s proposed directors;

  • Nationality of directors;

  • Address of directors;

  • Address of the Company;

  • The type of business the Company will carry out (called the main objects of the Company);

  • Name, National Identification number or passport number, nationality, date of birth of the Company secretary (this can be one of the directors);

  • Particulars of the Initial shareholders / subscribers for shares (including their addresses and designation / position- this can be one of the directors, the number of shares issued to them).
