Manokore Attorneys is a Pan-African focused business law firm based in Zimbabwe. We are comprised of a team of well exposed, diverse and attentive lawyers that is regularly structuring and executing innovative transactions in both local and international markets.
Through our solutions-driven, business focused approach to matters we have made great strides in helping to bridge the gap between the public sector and the private sector in our role as facilitators of various commercial transactions, including playing a key role in facilitating foreign direct investment into Zimbabwe. We take pride in our ability to execute with efficiency and we have taken a fresh perspective to the practice of law in Zimbabwe through providing our clients with practical, innovative and technologically-driven legal solutions.
We have achieved rapid recognition in the local, regional and international markets as a firm that is solutions-driven and which is geared toward assisting clients in the successful execution of commercial transactions. We have established a strong reputation as a "go-to" firm for advice and assistance on public and private mergers and acquisitions, real estate and property development, oil and gas, mining, investment inflows from foreign capital source markets and a comprehensive understanding of reinvestment in different spheres of the commercial sector, which are informed by our areas of operation.
The focus of the firm’s services is on key sector economic drivers and we have handled matters that involve mobilizing capital from development finance institutions, Pan-African financial institutions and international banks as well as private investors.
At a glance
DLA Piper Africa
DLA Piper Africa operates in 20 countries across the continent, offering unrivalled local skill and presence, backed by the resources of one of the world's largest law firms. The wider global Africa team is based in key hubs such as London, New York, Paris, Washington D.C., Dubai, Perth, Hong Kong and Beijing.
DLA Piper Africa is a Swiss verein whose members are comprised of independent law firms in Africa working with DLA Piper.

To share commercial perspectives with our clients while challenging thought processes and policies, and at the same time ensuring our ideas are internationally scalable.
To be the foremost corporate legal service adviser in Zimbabwe and the preferred legal services partner to international law firms focused on the SADC/COMESA region.
To be a solution-driven law firm.
To create a platform for development of relevant commercial legal skills in Zimbabwean lawyers and provide an opportunity for the best talent suited to our vision to practice exciting law.