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Amendment to the Compulsory Social Security Regulation

We hereby inform the business community and other interested parties that the specific revision of the Compulsory Social Security Regulations, Decree no. 56/2024 of 30 July, was published in the Official Gazette on 30 July 2024. 

The Decree amends articles 5, 27, 60, 73 and 110 of the Compulsory Social Security Regulations approved by Decree 51/2017 of 9 October, with retroactive effect as from 21 February 2024, the date of entry into force of the new Labour Law, Law no. 13/2023 of 25 August.

In summary, the following new features set out in the revision of the Compulsory Social Security Regulations are worth highlighting:

  • The scope of social security for employees and the self-employed now includes maternity and paternity leave benefits.
  • Maternity allowance is 90 days of leave.
  • The paternity allowance is 7 days and is applied in accordance with the sickness payment scheme.
  • The paternity allowance may be extended up to 60 days in the event of the death or incapacity of the mother, provided that all the conditions laid down in the Regulation are met.