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Ayrton Michaque Tembe

Ayrton Michaque Tembe

Associado, SAL & Caldeira Advogados, Lda.

Ayrton Michaque Tembe is a Junior Consultant of the Labour Practice Group. Provides legal assistance services in the labour area, with a particular focus on the draft and review of employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements, assistance in the fulfilment of start-up labour obligations, assisting clients with structuring of working hours’ schedules, conducting disciplinary proceedings, the termination of employment contracts whether contentious or non-contentious, including assistance in the collective dismissal processes and pensions and social security regulations, as well as appeal of notices before the labour authorities, among other related activities.

Professional Qualifications

  • Legal assistance in initiating disciplinary proceedings;
  • Assistance to companies in fulfilling their labour obligations;
  • Legal assistance in drafting and reviewing employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements;
  • Legal assistance and legal advice to several companies regarding collective dismissal and calculation of compensation;
  • Drafting legal opinions on a wide range of employment matters.

Prior experience

  • SAL & Caldeira Advogados, Lda. – Júnior Consultant, 01 October 2023 – present;
  • SAL & Caldeira Advogados, Lda. - Trainee, 01 October 2022 – 30 September 2023.


  • Member of the Bar Association of Mozambique as Trainee Lawyer