Amends articles 17, no. 1 and 21 no. 3 and 4 of the Regulation Establishing the Legal Regime Applicable to Foreign Citizens, related to the entry, stay and exit of the Country, approved by Decree no. 108/2014, of December 31
Approves the Regulation of Law nº 5/93, of 28 December, which establishes the legal regime for foreign citizens, establishing the respective rules for entering, staying and leaving the country, the rights, duties and guarantees.
Updated by factor 2.00, the values of the fines related to the infractions, provided for in articles 42,43,44,46 and 47 of Law nº 5/93, of 28 December.
Certification and Equivalence Regulation.
Approves the new table that sets the fees for granting, renewing or replacing passports, Visa and DIRE.
Created a new Passport model for national citizens, based on biometric and electronic elements.
Approves new models of Visas and Residence Authorization for foreign citizens, based on biometric and electronic elements.
Establishes the legal regime for foreign citizens, setting the respective rules for entering, staying and leaving the country, their rights, duties and guarantees