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Social Security

Decree 51/2017

Approves the Mandatory Social Security Regulation and repeals Decree No. 53/2007 of 3 December.

Resolution 18/2016

Ratifies the Convention on Social Security between the Republic of Mozambique and the Portuguese Republic.

Decree No. 46/2014

Approves the Regulation on the Implementation of Basic Social Security by Religious Institutions and Non-Governmental and Foreign Organizations that are active in the Republic of Mozambique (Article 22, paragraph 3, of Decree No. 85/2009 of 29 from December).

Decree No. 27/2010

Approves the Social Welfare Regulations of State Employees and Agents, abbreviated as REPFAE.

Law No. 4/2007

Defines the bases on which social protection is based and organizes the respective system.