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Advanced Digital Signature platform

This serves to inform the business community and other interested parties that the Advanced Digital Signature platform of the National Institute of Technologies and Information – INTIC is now available. The Advanced Digital Signature is an online tool that allows users to digitally sign documents using their digital identity as well as request signatures from others, sharing the secure link, and tracking the progress of the signing process.

The digital signature can be done through INTIC Signer on the Website (

The digital signatures can be used by anyone and companies in the most diverse sectors. For personal use, for example, it is possible to sign all the documents sent electronically. Among several applications, the Digital Signature allows:

  1. Signature of contracts;
  2. Secure transactions with financial institutions;
  3. To transform the management of contracts and legal documents into an entirely online process.

This is without a doubt a tool that will bring agility to processes and will streamline transactions in business and beyond.