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Submission of an individual NUIT for each mining title

Informative Flash

We hereby remind all mining titleholders and other interested parties, that the National Mining Institute (INAMI) published in the “Notícias” newspaper, dated 29 March 2019, a notice according to which, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 24, of the Specific Taxation Regime for Mining Activity, each Exploration License, Mining Certificate or Mining Concession titleholder shall present an Individual Unique Taxpayer Identification Number (NUIT) for each mining title, being the titleholders of more than one mining title required to incorporate an autonomous legal entity and have organized accounts for each mining title.

The mining titleholders or mining titles applicants with more than one mining title or mining title application shall regularize the submission of the individual NUIT within 90 (ninety) days, i.e until 26 June 2019.

Of note that, all Exploration Licenses, Mining Certificates or Mining Concessions applicants shall obey the aforementioned rules when submitting the mining title applications.

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