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DLA Piper Real Estate Gazette - Focus on Africa

Issue 26

As the articles in this issue show, the world’s second largest continent may offer real opportunities to foreign investors in real estate.

Amongst others, contributions discussing Angola (page 6), Ethiopia (page 8) and Mozambique (page 20), all report increased demand in the real estate sector. Indeed, in Ethiopia the sector has contributed 12.5% to domestic growth in the past 10 years, whilst the recent discovery of natural resources in Mozambique has led to increased demand there in several sectors, including real estate, which is regarded as one of the best investment opportunities in  the country. Of course, it is not all plain sailing and limitations on land ownership by foreigners (Ghana, page 10); issues surrounding commercial lease agreements (Morocco, page 18); and legal issues facing potential investors into the African hotel sector (UAE, page 16) are all placed under the spotlight in this issue.

In general real estate matters, we consider a number of wide-ranging topics, including changes to the French Civil Code and their impact on contractual practices (page 30); the various mortgage types available in Spain (page 42); and tenants’ right to claim compensation on termination of leases in Sweden (page 44). 

We do hope you will enjoy reading our views.