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Chibesakunda&Co Continues to Lead in the Green Energy Financing Space

By Mutale Kasonde and Mwamba Chibesakunda

Chibesakunda&Co has recently advised US GuarantCoin relation to its investment in Africa GreenCo’s Zambian operations. The US 27-million-dollar credit support is intended to enhance GreenCo creditworthiness as an intermediary renewable energy aggregator between buyers and sellers of green power. The Guarantco facility will ultimately help attract sustainable investments in the power sector as IPPs will be able to rely on Greenco as a reliable and credible green energy offtaker. The conclusion of the Guarantco facility further enhances Chibesakunda&Co’s growing reputation in the green financing with the firm having acted as advisors to:

  • Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund and 91 Capital as the consortium of lenders to Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc’s USD200 million greenbond;
  • IFU, Infraco and EDFI’s investment in Africa Greenco;
  • Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP) financing of Kalahari Geo Energy Limited, a geothermal energy project.

Mutale Kasonde, Chibesakunda&Co’s banking and finance partner said: “We are very proud of our work and supporting GuarantCo and other green financiers who are making significant impact in revolutionising the Zambia energy sector. Our team has gained significant experience and in particular, Mwamba Chibesakunda, work on renewable energy finance has been most noteworthy. We look forward to growing with our green energy clients and supporting them and Zambia’s green energy transition.
