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Revolutionizing Telecommunications in Nigeria: Unveiling the Harmonised Short Codes

The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, also simply referred to as the “World Telecommunication Day”, has been celebrated annually on May 17, since 1969, after the International Telecommunication Union (‘ITU’) was founded originally in 1865, as the International Telegraph Union, but later becoming a United Nations specialised agency in 1947. Nigeria has been a member of the ITU since November 1961 and was recently re-elected as a member of council, which demonstrates our globally recognised leadership role.

The World Telecommunication Day is marked to raise awareness about the importance of telecommunications and the role of information and communication technologies (‘ICTs’) in promoting social and economic development. The theme for this year is “Empowering the Least Developed Countries through Information and Communication Technologies”.

On May 13, 2023, the Nigerian Communications Commission (‘NCC’) directed Mobile network operators (‘MNOs’) to commence implementation of the approved Harmonised Short Codes (‘HSC’) for providing services to telecom consumers in Nigeria. These HSCs ushers in a new era of enhanced connectivity and streamlined communication for businesses and individuals alike. 

The NCC's decision to issue HSCs is a monumental step toward simplifying telecommunication services in Nigeria. These short codes provide users with easy access to essential services, such as customer support, balance inquiries, and value-added services. By standardizing and streamlining these codes, the NCC aims to enhance user experience, reduce confusion, and promote a more efficient and customer-centric telecommunication ecosystem, which is laudable.

The World Telecommunication Day serves as a reminder of the crucial role that telecommunication play in our society. It highlights the importance of connectivity and communication, enabling social and economic development, innovation, and global collaboration. This year's celebration provided an ideal backdrop for the NCC's ground-breaking announcement, paving the way for a transformative telecommunication landscape in Nigeria.

At Olajide Oyewole LLP (A Member of DLA Piper Africa), we believe that seamless communication through innovation in the accompanying infrastructure is essential to foster a more inclusive economic growth and celebrate this recent initiative by the NCC.