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Frequently Asked Questions Re Intellectual Property And The Digital Economy Intellectual Property (IP) And Digital Technology

By Caleb Nmeribe

What role does IP play in the digital/technological revolution?

IP laws identify legal and economic rights, encourage creativity and innovation. The role of IP in the digital revolution cannot be understated. Consider web 3.0, the metaverse, cryptocurrency, NFTs, software programming etc. all of which are very much IP based.

How has digital technology helped artistes in thedistribution of music?

A big way is the possibilities presented by streaming. Ownership is more certain and it is a revenue source. Streaming has also helped combat piracy.

What does web 3.0 mean?

The internet has worked in distinct phases. In the 90's, web1.0 was primarily 'read-only' information through sites like Google. Web 2.0 shifted focus to interaction and allowed more control over what content is produced. Web 3.0 refers to anything built upon distributed ledger technology such as blockchain. It is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics.

And the metaverse?

Contrary to the belief of some, there is no one singular metaverse. The metaverse refers to any network of 3d virtual worlds which are focused on social interactions and has actually existed for a while now without the branding. Open world sandbox games such as Minecraft, Second Life and even Fortnite can be classed as metaverses, as they all allow you to interact with friends virtually through an 'avatar' that you can buy accessories and clothing for.

Read more in the link here.
