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Employment of non-citizens (spouses)

Ministry of labour, IR, employment and training

The Non-Citizens (Employment Restriction) Exemptions Regulations had been amended on 21 and 28 March 2019 respectively to the effect that foreigners who were married to Mauritian citizens would have had to apply for a permit should they have been working or intended to work in Mauritius.

Further to representations made, the amendments published on 28 March 2019 through GN 55 of 2019 have now been repealed and have been replaced by amendments of GN 68 of 2019, effective
as of 15 April 2019. Accordingly, non-citizens referred to in Paragraph 1 who were working prior to the 8th of March 2019 will continue to be exempted from the requirements of a permit.

However, an employer who, with effect from or any time after 8 March 2019, has in his employment a non-citizen who is either spouse of a citizen of Mauritius and / or, until remarriage, a surviving spouse of a citizen of Mauritius, may, for a period of 3 months after the coming into operation of these regulations, have the non-citizen in his employment without there being in force a permit in respect of the non-citizen. The employer of the non-citizen who intends to continue to have the non-citizen in his employment must, within a period of 3 months after the coming into operation of these regulations, apply and obtain a permit in respect of the noncitizen under the Non-Citizens (Employment Restriction) (Work Permit) Regulations 2017.

The Guidelines for application will be available shortly for consultation at

For any query or additional information, the Ministry may be reached on phone number 4050132.

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